Before I'm flooded with questions as to what did I do with the fish, let me explain. The fishin hole is on the way to Dutch John and so after a quick side trip, it was take the cache to the closest bar-b-que grill and fry 'em up. It was nice to see JayDee, Monica and the kids too. Just kidding, It was perfectly wonderful to see them all. Had some fantastic fireworks on Friday night and Saturday Morning we enjoyed a Boy Scout breakfast at the church. Course being out of the habit, I didn't take my camera to any of it. Saturday afternoon we about got stuck in mud and had to put it in 4 wheel drive at 'Grizzly Ridge.' Cold and wet. The car thermometer said 53 degrees. Went back to the house, loaded up with fishing gear and headed to the beach. 75 degrees and the kids had a soakin good time, so did I. So really the only picture I took on this 4th of July Weekend was after the kids were all dressed up and ready to walk to church.

How cute is this ?
(l to r)
Cora, 5. Anna,3. Jayden, 6. And Brooke 7, holding EmmaLee, 1.
WOWZA!!! I cannot believe how big those kids are getting!? Where does time go? Thanks for the update and the pic of the kids! Their parents need to get on the ball with taking pics! :)
Hey now, we were the ones that took the camera to the other events...but only took pictures at the reservoir. Will get them emailed to you Dad in the next day or two. Plus Care, I will get them posted to the blog as well (HOPEFULLY)
I can't believe Brooke is so tall!! And her hair is gorgeous!! Fun times which I could have caught some fish. So where was mom & landon during the backpack?
AH!! What a bunch of cutie-patooties!
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