So I was actually working one day last week and driving home from the local Home Depot when suddenly along side the road a huge bird arose from the side of the road, right out my left side window. It then proceeded to fly parallel the road exactly the same speed as I was driving. I saw the white head and tail feathers and about drove off the road. This Bald Eagle continued to tease me until I finally pulled over. I just happened to have my camera with me and I was soon clicking away. There were two Bald Eagles and at times would act like they were wrestling in mid air. I never could focus the camera when they were like that. They soon landed and then I saw another huge bird in the undercover. I looked again and decided it was a Golden Eagle. I only got one picture of it but look at the colors of golds and browns on it. I especially like the picture of the Golden Eagle because it looks like I am looking down from above it as it comes in for a landing. I was definitely feeling like I was "higher than an Eagle" by the time I left to go back to work. The rest of the day, though, all I wanted to do was go back and take more pictures.
Golden Eagle landing |
Soaring Bald Eagle |
P.S. With this new camera and maybe some luck I'll blog more often than every 3 1/2 years.